Open on Evenings & Holidays! Extended And Flexible Hours!

* DNA Testing for Immigration
* Paternity Testing
* Prenatal Testing
* Deceased Paternity
* Forensic Testing & Much More!


AB DNA Testing Services
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Phone: 718-701-0292
Fax: 718-458-9700


Monday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Welcome to the Best DNA Testing in NYC!

We offer New York’s BEST AND MOST AFFORDABLE DNA TESTING with a full range of services to verify family relationships.

We are open on evenings & holidays!

Why are we the best?

See the many reasons below:

We specialize in the following types of DNA tests:

• Paternity • Prenatal • Maternity • Grand-parenting • Sibling Relationship • Biological Relationship Studies • Twin Studies • Deceased Paternity • Forensic Testing • Child Identity Testing • Family Tree and Genealogy Testing


* NO HIDDEN COSTS – Collection kits, photography, and fingerprinting all included.



Located In Woodside Queens, easily reachable from all boroughs (Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx and Staten Island), Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk. 4 Blocks from No. 7 Train (Flushing Line) and Long Island Railroad.


Has your petition been denied? Did you miss your deadline?

Call us.  We have found that in many cases, our personalized service can overturn your denial. We will call the passport office or immigration dept. for you and plead your case over phone verbally.

90% of time they will revoke your denial, as long as you get the required information to them quickly.


63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377

Call Today

AB DNA Testing Services ©

DNA Testing Left

63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Fax: 718-458-9700

We are open on evenings & holidays!

DNA Testing Right

AB DNA Testing Services © offers a full range of DNA testing services using the most highly qualified and Certified DNA testing laboratories in the country.

For New York residents, DNA testing has to be performed by a physician or legal entity (court, USCIS, US Embassy or Consulate).

AB DNA TESTING SERVICES © offers a “One-Stop Shopping” service since we have a doctor on the premises who will perform the test. We are open 7 days a week, including weekends.

Prenatal DNA Testing • Immigration DNA Testing • Paternity • Maternity • Grand-parenting • Sibling Relationships • Biological Relationships • Twin Studies • Deceased Paternity • Forensic Testing • Child Identity Testing • Family Tree and Genealogy Testing

Other doctors will charge a fee just for the office visit. We do not charge a fee for our on premises doctor visit. Save money and call for an appointment today!

AB DNA Testing Services ©



Category Archives: U.S. Embassy DNA Testing for Immigration

Requirements for Immigration to the USA

What are the requirements for immigration to the USA? US immigration law is quite complex. For people looking to start a new life there, the system can seem confusing. Immigration law depends on a few principles. These principles include family reunification, admitting immigrants who can provide value to the economy, protecting refugees, and promoting diversity. In this article, you will learn about how legal immigration works in the United States of America.

Immigration to the United States: Categories of Status

A misconception is that only lawyers need to understand basic immigration policies and laws. Below, you will find four categories under which US people fall. Since the criminal conviction may confuse you in the process of immigration, we also explain these categories. When you apply these concepts in your case, you can easily differentiate in various petitions for immigration.

Requirements for Immigration to the USA

1.    US Citizens

These people are born in the US or receive citizenship after spending three to five years in the States. These citizens are safe from deportation unless they have achieved their citizenship through fraud. By achieving this citizenship, you can work legally and avail any benefit that you are eligible for. You can also submit a legal petition for your parent, child, sibling, or spouse.

2.    Lawful Permanent Resident Status or LPR

LPRs or Lawful Permanent Residents receive a green card when they arrive in the United States. With LPR’s status, you can qualify for US citizenship after living in the United States for almost three to four continuous years. More than one million immigrants receive American citizenship every year through LPR status. They can then pay taxes and work as a US citizen. They can participate in any social service and vote. Following are the types of green cards:

  • Longtime-resident green cards
  • Diversity lottery green cards
  • Humanitarian green cards
  • Employment-based green cards
  • Family-based green cards

3.    Temporary Visitor Status

Immigrants who come to visit the United States for a short time will receive a temporary visa. They do not intend to stay in the country forever and return to their country after their visa expires.

Various visas offer visitors the status of a temporary immigrant. These visas include a B1 or business visa or a B2 or visitor visa. Once they complete their purpose for which they came to the US, they have to leave.

Requirements for Immigration to the USA 2020-2021

Steps to Apply for Family-Based Immigration

For a Lawful Permanent Resident of the US, you need to follow the below steps. This way, you can legally immigrate to the United States of America. However, for this process, you need to have a family member who can sponsor you. These steps are:

Step 1: Fill the Petition

To start the process of sponsorship, the Lawful Permanent Resident family member in the US will send an email to the USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services). The mail should include a visa petition on Form I-130 of USCIS with various accompanying documents. The LRP needs to prove that their relationship with you or the applicant is real.

Step 2: Decision of USCIS

After USCIS receive the petition, the officers will go through the information and decide if they should approve your application or reject your request. If they approve, your case will move on to the National Visa Center for further processing. If they deny your request, you can file another petition after finding out what changes they need to work on to get the approval.

Step 3: Visa Availability

If you are in a Family preference group, then this step will apply to you. USCIS will not consider your permanent residence if you are not an immediate relative of your sponsor. Since the US has an annual limit on Green cards, they can approve, they rarely allow such relatives. The remaining immigrants are on the waiting list and mostly have to wait a year to find out if their visa is available.

Step 4: Visa or Green Card

If you receive an approval on your petition and your visa is available, you have to submit a permanent residence application. You can also apply for an immigrant visa from a US consulate located outside the United States. Only after applying at a consulate inside the States can you apply for a Green Card. While ensuring known as consular processing is going on, you need to fill some forms, submit the documents and go through a medical examination.


If you still want to understand the process of immigration in-depth, you can visit our website and find detailed information. You can also consult with our expert about the immigration process and learn how you will go through DNA testing for immigration.

For any information about immigration and DNA testing, contact us at 718-701-0292. Our professional technicians and analysts will accurately complete your DNA testing. Our experts are highly qualified and will perform DNA testing with 99.9% accuracy.

AB DNA Testing
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377

5 Reasons Why You Might Need DNA Testing

DNA testing can identify a person using his/her DNA sample and assessing different parts of their genes. However, there is more to the process than that. Let’s look at 5 reasons why you might need DNA testing:

   You Are At Risk of Any Disease

We live in a time where the risk of genetic disease is high. Thanks to the high-quality healthcare available today, major problems, like infertility and cancer, can be treated to a certain extent, thanks to genetic testing. The procedures identifies if you are at a risk of catching a disease that is common in your family and if it might have been passed down to you.

If the disease is identified at an early age, it can be treated and there is a greater chance that it can be treated successfully. Some couples who carry diseases seek out genetic counselors who can employ DNA testing to help them recognize the risks of them having an affected child and give them all the relevant information that will be helpful.  Researchers can then use the tests to look for patterns of that particular diseases and try to figure out ways to treat them.

   You Want to Meet Your Biological Parents

Children who have been adopted or conceived through IVF or sperm donation might wish to find and meet their biological parents. High-standard DNA paternity tests play an important role in helping them find their father.

   You Have Applied for Social Security/ Life Insurance

5 Reasons Why You Might Need DNA TestingWhen a father dies and legal fatherhood has not been established or is being questioned, life insurance and social security may ask for paternity proof. In these cases, a medical checker would be ordered by court to acquire a DNA sample, which would then be submitted to an AABB recognized laboratory, in order to carry out a legal paternity test where the claimant doesn’t need to rely on other evidence that a biological relationship indeed existed.

   You Want To Donate an Organ

DNA testing serves various purposes in medicine, one of which includes identifying good genetic matches for marrow or organ donation. It can also be used to ensure that a tissue sample had been labeled correctly with the right patient’s name.

   You Are a Crime Suspect

As you may have seen in TV shows, DNA is extremely important and a sure-fire way to catch a culprit in a crime situation. On the other side, it can also be used to exonerate innocent people of crimes, sometimes for crimes that were committed years ago.

If any of these motives sound familiar to you, contact us today to get yourself tested at the best DNA Testing Center in NYC. Rest assured, we will provide you top-notch service. All our services are provided in a legal, safe and healthy manner, and your privacy is not compromised at any stage. So, you can put any doubts you have about DNA testing to bed and undergo testing without delay.

please call us at 718-701-0292 to schedule an appointment with the top DNA testing center in NYC.

Genetic Testing for Immigration NYC

DNA Testing for Immigration in NY

Best DNA Testing NYCDuring immigration cases in which a resident or citizen of the United States wants to sponsor a relative for admission or citizenship, the sponsor and their relative have to prove their biological relationship. This is sometimes done through DNA testing – either a paternity test, maternity test, sibling tests, or other family relationship tests. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency (USCIS) will often suggest DNA testing when other documentation that can prove a family relationship, such as a birth certificate, is not available.

United States Embassies, USCIS and other countries’ immigration services require that any DNA testing that is performed for immigration related purposes be done by laboratories that are accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). The AABB’s Parentage Testing Accreditation program sets very high standards for laboratory proficiency.

When selecting a laboratory for immigration-related DNA testing, it is important to ensure that it meets the standards set by the AABB. But because AABB-accredited laboratories do not always provide the same quality of service, it’s also important to look at a lab’s other accreditations in order to find the laboratory that can provide the highest quality service. In addition to AABB certification, high-quality DNA testing laboratories should also meet the standards set by the International Organization for Standardization.

In New York, DNA testing laboratories should also meet standards set by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). NYSDOH certification is required for any DNA test used for immigration petitioners, beneficiaries, and other cases in the state of New York. NYSDOH certification covers not only the test itself but also chain of custody and patient referrals. Without NYSDOH certification, a DNA test will not be admissible in court or before immigration proceedings in New York state.

Call us today to schedule an appointment with the top DNA testing laboratory for immigration in Queens, NYC.

You May be Required to Contact the U.S. Embassy Overseas Regarding DNA Testing

You May be Required to Contact the U.S. Embassy Overseas Regarding DNA Testing

If you have completed an immigration application with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services department for a relative living overseas, it may be your responsibility to contact the U.S. embassy in that country regarding DNA testing.

In many cases, DNA testing is required to complete the immigration visa application. This process is used to document and prove that there is a legitimate familial relationship between the applicant and the U.S. citizen.

Depending on where your relative lives, there may be agencies in their home country that are acceptable to the USCIS. If there are none, it will be your responsibility to contact the U.S. embassy in that country to arrange the international DNA testing as well as proper handling and shipping of the sample.

In order to find the U.S. embassy in your relative’s country, visit www.uscis.gove/portal/site/uscis. You may also find this information at If you want to find out if there are acceptable agencies in this country, you can generally find a list through a legitimate DNA testing facility in NYC.Best DNA Testing NYC2. jpeg

If you have any questions, contact AABB DNA Testing and we’ll be more than happy to assist.

How Long Should Immigration DNA Testing in NYC Take?

How Long Should Immigration DNA Testing in NYC Take?

Trying to calculate how long it will take to get the results of DNA testing in NYC for immigration purposes can prove to be frustrating. There are a number of factors that contribute to how long it takes to get the DNA test results.

Many people who require immigration DNA testing in NYC are sponsoring a visa application for a relative back in their home country. Their goal is to receive the results as quickly as possible and move the process through more efficiently. However, there are many factors that can delay the DNA test results.

DNA samples taken from your loved one needs to be delivered to the U.S. embassy in the corresponding country. From there, that sample can take weeks, and possibly even longer, to reach the laboratory in New York City where the test is completed.

As a result, there is no possible way that any laboratory that performs DNA testing in NYC, or anywhere else for that matter, can guarantee results within a certain timeframe. Immigration DNA testing is different than paternity DNA tests and other tests, primarily because of the requirement that the sample transfer to custody of the U.S. at the embassy in your loved one’s country.

AABB DNA Testing understands the concerns and frustration that waiting can cause, and we work with all of our clients to reduce the wait time as much as possible. However, if any other DNA testing facility in NYC is guaranteeing delivery dates for immigration DNA testing, you need to be suspicious.

If you’d like to learn more about DNA testing in NYC, contact a professional at AABB DNA Testing. We’ll work with you to make the process as smooth as possible.

Does the Immigration DNA Testing Facility You Chose Include All Required Tests?

Does the Immigration DNA Testing Facility You Chose Include All Required Tests?

Immigration DNA testing often requires a wide range of tests from numerous family members. They may include paternity, maternity, grandparent relationships, siblings, cousins, and even twin studies, where applicable. It’s important that you understand which immigration DNA tests are required for your application and the DNA testing facility you choose includes all of them in their quoted price.

The standard tests for paternity are mother, father, and child, but the process and requirements can be significantly different and focus on a wider scope for immigration applications. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will require a specific set of tests for you and your family that encompass what is known as the Biological Relationship Survey. The goal of all of these immigration DNA tests is to ensure that your family member who is applying for a permanent visa to the United States is truly related to you, the U.S. citizen who is filing the application.

AABB DNA Testing is an immigration DNA testing facility in New York City that supports all tests. We are also compliant with all federal laws, rules, and regulations regarding the collecting, testing, and reporting of DNA results.

We have seen too many other facilities in the area quote a lower price without informing their clients that it doesn’t include all required tests. At AABB DNA Testing, we believe in being upfront and honest; it’s the only policy that makes sense.

Call on us when you’re ready to move forward with immigration DNA testing for your loved one and receive that permanent visa you’ve been waiting for.

When DNA Testing is Required for Immigration, it May be Necessary to Contact the U.S. Embassy Overseas

dna-testing-for-us-embassyDepending on where a sponsored family member lives, you may be required to contact the U.S. embassy in that country to complete the DNA testing process. Often, DNA testing is required to complete the visa application process when legal documentations proving the familial relationship are either lost, not recognizable to the U.S government, or not accepted.

The process for completing international DNA testing generally begins in the United States with the sponsoring citizen. When you begin the process of DNA testing in NYC, for example, you may find a list of acceptable agencies in your family member’s home country through the DNA testing facility here.

If not, then your family member may be required to seek out a U.S. embassy or consulate in their homeland. If you need to contact the U.S. embassy in your family’s country, you can reach them via email to get the process started. You can find the embassy and appropriate email address through or through

DNA Testing in New York City for Immigration Purposes

DNA testing for immigration 01DNA testing for immigration 03

DNA Testing for Immigration

DNA testing performed in New York City can be an important asset for immigration procedures. When a legal U.S. citizens petitions to have a family member be granted a permanent visa to immigrate to the United States, they are often required to have legal documentation proving the familial relationship. However, for many immigrants, these documents are either extremely difficult or impossible to come by. That’s when DNA testing becomes an integral part of the process.

The Process of DNA Testing in New York City

If you are applying to have a family member be granted a permanent visa, but the documentation doesn’t exist to support the relationship, your next recourse is DNA testing in New York City.

Make sure that you receive all of the appropriate paperwork from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services department. The next step is to find a DNA testing facility in New York City. This facility will collect your DNA and then arrange for your family member abroad to either work with an affiliate agency in their home country, or rely on the United States embassy to collect their DNA sample.

DNA testing for immigration 04Fees for DNA testing in New York City will vary, but the most important aspect is to find a reputable agency with many years of experience with DNA testing for immigration purposes to ensure that you have the best chances for receiving the permanent visa for your family member.

DNA testing for immigration purposes has become an important aspect of the immigration process. When you require DNA testing in New York City for this purpose, you are certain to find great service and reliability with AABB DNA Testing.