Open on Evenings & Holidays! Extended And Flexible Hours!

* DNA Testing for Immigration
* Paternity Testing
* Prenatal Testing
* Deceased Paternity
* Forensic Testing & Much More!


AB DNA Testing Services
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Phone: 718-701-0292
Fax: 718-458-9700


Monday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
* After Hours: Weekends by appointment only *

Welcome to the Best DNA Testing in NYC!

We offer New York’s BEST AND MOST AFFORDABLE DNA TESTING with a full range of services to verify family relationships.

We are open on evenings & holidays!

Why are we the best?

See the many reasons below:

We specialize in the following types of DNA tests:

• Paternity • Prenatal • Maternity • Grand-parenting • Sibling Relationship • Biological Relationship Studies • Twin Studies • Deceased Paternity • Forensic Testing • Child Identity Testing • Family Tree and Genealogy Testing


* NO HIDDEN COSTS – Collection kits, photography, and fingerprinting all included.



Located In Woodside Queens, easily reachable from all boroughs (Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx and Staten Island), Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk. 4 Blocks from No. 7 Train (Flushing Line) and Long Island Railroad.


Has your petition been denied? Did you miss your deadline?

Call us.  We have found that in many cases, our personalized service can overturn your denial. We will call the passport office or immigration dept. for you and plead your case over phone verbally.

90% of time they will revoke your denial, as long as you get the required information to them quickly.


63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377

Call Today

AB DNA Testing Services ©

DNA Testing Left

63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Fax: 718-458-9700

We are open on evenings & holidays!

DNA Testing Right

AB DNA Testing Services © offers a full range of DNA testing services using the most highly qualified and Certified DNA testing laboratories in the country.

For New York residents, DNA testing has to be performed by a physician or legal entity (court, USCIS, US Embassy or Consulate).

AB DNA TESTING SERVICES © offers a “One-Stop Shopping” service since we have a doctor on the premises who will perform the test. We are open 7 days a week, including weekends.

Prenatal DNA Testing • Immigration DNA Testing • Paternity • Maternity • Grand-parenting • Sibling Relationships • Biological Relationships • Twin Studies • Deceased Paternity • Forensic Testing • Child Identity Testing • Family Tree and Genealogy Testing

Other doctors will charge a fee just for the office visit. We do not charge a fee for our on premises doctor visit. Save money and call for an appointment today!

AB DNA Testing Services ©



Tag Archives: DNA Testing Lab

What is in a DNA Testing Lab?

What is in a DNA testing lab? A scientist’s laboratory equipment is their toolset. If they do not have that equipment, they cannot perform DNA testing. The choice of testing equipment depends on the laboratory and the method they use for testing. Different laboratories may use different techniques. Some equipment is compulsory for a laboratory, and some are not so important, so they have alternatives. The most common items that almost every laboratory has:

  • Glassware
  • Hot plates
  • Shakers
  • pH meters
  • Pipettors
  • Fume hoods
  • Analytics balances
  • Incubators
  • Freezers
  • Computers
  • Plasticware
  • Various types of microscopes

Some specialized laboratories may also include cell culture, autoclave, or tissue culture, PCR machine or thermocycler, spectrophotometer, etc. However, if a laboratory conducts advanced research, they will have:

  • Histology equipment,
  • Surgical instruments
  • Microtomes
  • Imaging systems
  • A flow cytometer
  • Histology equipment
  • Electrophysiological equipment (such as analysis software, pipette pullers, and patch-clamp amplifiers)
  • DNA sequencing equipment.

DNA Testing Lab

Complete Process of DNA Testing

When undergoing DNA testing for any reason, you may be confused about the procedure of how laboratory professionals conduct the testing. DNA testing is a scientific technique. To perform DNA testing, professionals need specialized machinery and a laboratory. Below, you will learn about the DNA testing process:

1.    Collection of Samples

The sample can be your hair or any bodily fluid, as these elements contain DNA. Usually, laboratories gather testing samples through a swab by inserting it inside the mouth to the cheek. This method is the buccal smear and is the least invasive and common method for collecting samples.

2.    Lyse Cells

In this process, the professionals will break down the cell membrane from the sample. They do so by adding an enzyme in the solution containing DNA samples.

3.    Separation

To separate the DNA, professionals use different ways. Electrophoresis is the most common process. In this method, molecules will sort through the electric field. DNA has a molecular structure, so it will separate from the sample.

4.    Copying

To make copies of the DNA, professionals rely on the PCR process. After that, they use these copies to test for genetic markers.

5.    Testing

In this step, they identify genetic markers from the DNA to discover the relationship. DNA has thousands of genetic markers that we recognize. However, only 16 to 21 genetic markers can report the relationship to prove genetic relationships.

6.    Matching

After obtaining the markers, professionals match it with the unknown DNA samples. This will highlight that the DNA donor and the unknown person are the same or not. For paternity DNA testing, only half of the DNA will match the mother. The remaining half comes from the father.

So after receiving the samples, technicians will identify the proteins, chromosomes, and DNA according to the suspect’s disorders. After the testing is complete, they will share the result with the genetic counselor, doctor or the immigration office in reference to the person. They can also send the results directly to the person on request.

For the screening tests of the newborn, doctors take a small sample of the blood by pricking the heel of the baby. However, in this test, the lab only shares the results with the parents if it is positive. Once the test is positive, professionals will perform various tests to find out any genetic disorder that the newborn may carry.

DNA Testing Lab Queens NY

If you are the person taking the test, you need to understand the DNA testing process, the limitations and benefits of the testing, and the consequences that may occur after receiving the results. The process of educating a person taking a DNA test and asking for their permission is informed consent.


People need DNA testing for various purposes, such as half or full sibling test, maternity or paternity testing, or to prove their relationship through immigration DNA testing. Regardless, our professional and friendly staff can help every step of the process. Our experts can also support you in a situation where you are born abroad and do not have any citizenship.

We follow an easy and quick sample-collecting process. You will receive the results of your test within three to four days. At AB DNA Testing, we keep good care about timeliness, accuracy, and confidentiality. By trusting us with your DNA testing for immigration, you can relax about the results as we are one of the best DNA testing services.

If you are looking for DNA testing services, contact us at 718-701-0292. You can also visit our website to learn more about our DNA testing services, methods, and location. Our professional and expert technicians are available to assist you through the entire process after a thorough consultation.

What is AABB? Why Must DNA Testing Labs Have Their Accreditation?

People think about words like accuracy, high-tech, and reliability when they think about DNA testing. The truth is that DNA testing results are only accurate when they come from a professional laboratory. Without a government agency regulating DNA testing, consumers and laboratories depend on agencies such as the AABB. The AABB sets and holds laboratories to a certain standard of DNA testing. This ensures that customers receive accurate results through an efficient process.

What Does AABB Stand For?

AABB stands for the American Association of Blood Banks. The world recognizes their incredible contribution to forensic DNA testing. They are also the leading institution at accrediting the laboratories for DNA testing. You can find the accreditation of AABB for the following reasons:

  • DNA testing at facilities with AABB accreditation exceeds the standards of the industry.
  • DNA test results from a laboratory accredited with AABB are acceptable in various legal situations. Government organizations such as child support and immigration require the DNA tests performed by an AABB accredited laboratory.
  • If a laboratory is AABB accredited after years and years, it has a high-quality procedure for performing the test. Having AABB accreditation also means that the experts and technicians working at the lab have up-to-date qualifications and equipment and are reliable sources.

AABB DNA Testing Labs Accreditation

Benefits of AABB Accreditation

The AABB has been accrediting laboratories for testing since 1984. With updating technology, they have changed their standards a lot. Every year, the AABB updates the Relationship Testing Laboratory Standards. Every accredited laboratory has to follow this manual to maintain its credibility and standards. Once every two years, they perform an external audit. During that audit, the AABB representatives examine the laboratories, their procedures, processes, and policies. This is a blind audit and may occur at any time without prior notice.

To maintain and obtain accreditation for a laboratory, the labs must clear these blind audits with minimal issues. For doing that, laboratories have to clear three proficiency tests. Organizations have to perform the test for the cases where the auditors already know the answers. The analyst should attend meetings for educational purposes to be on the top of the literature and are aware of the advanced technology in the industry. Laboratories should also maintain their equipment so that all the tools and equipment are working properly.

The laboratory should create and follow policies about protecting their equipment from contamination, malfunctions, and any other issue that may occur due to carelessness. These are just one or two pages of the standards from the forty-eight pages. AABB knows how to uphold their standards.

The AABB is the most prestigious and well-known organization responsible for accrediting relationship and paternity testing laboratories. Other organizations such as CLIA and CAP are also prestigious but do not follow paternity testing laboratory standards. Therefore it is important that the AABB has accredited the laboratory of your choice.

You can find the list on the website of AABB for accredited laboratories. The best part is you can use these laboratories’ results for legal issues, and the judge will accept this as evidence or proof.

Should I Trust DNA Laboratories That Aren’t AABB Accredited?

As the equipment and technology for DNA testing are now affordable and accessible, various companies offer DNA paternity tests. However, you should know that DNA testing is more than just instrumentation and techniques. It requires expertise, experience, training, and qualified technicians and scientists. They must also follow all the protocols, perform tests carefully, and provide professional services to their clients. They are aware of every need for different clients. However, various other organizations in the United States are eligible for accrediting the laboratory other than AABB.

Nonexistent laboratories with poor reputations are not worthy of spending your money. Labs with reputation will quickly deliver an accurate result as they have an experienced and trained staff with advanced equipment for performing the test. If you search for a laboratory with high-quality DNA testing with trustworthy results, you need to visit the laboratories accredited with AABB.

AABB - DNA Testing Labs Accreditation


AB DNA Testing Laboratory will offer you high-quality DNA testing results with accuracy thanks to our highly trained professional team. The AB DNA Testing laboratory has AABB accreditation and an amazing reputation among customers. If you are looking for optimal DNA testing services, call us at 718-701-0292.

If you require any further information about our services and how we can help you with DNA testing, visit our website to learn more.

Parental DNA Testing

What is parental DNA testing? The most important and popular use of DNA testing is the confirmation of the child’s biological parents. The confirmation of the child’s biological parents is crucial for clearing away doubts regarding the child’s birth. It is also very decisive for children’s rights and custody during conflicts or divorce between the parents.

Although other biological identification tests were in use before the advent of DNA testing process, but blood typing, HLA test, and serological testing were less accurate for determining biological relations. After the introduction of DNA testing during 80s, scientists discovered the potential of DNA testing for identifying biological relationships.

What is the process for Parental DNA Test?

DNA is the unique genetic make-up of an individual. When a baby comes in this world, the mother and father pass on half of their DNA to the baby. The baby’s DNA is a mix of the parent’s DNA with a unique sequence.

For the parental DNA testing process, we collect a small buccal sample of an individual, and then we obtain and examine the DNA sequence. We then compare the DNA from the samples of the alleged father or mother. The 0% matching gives a negative result. For a positive result, the probability between the parent and the child should be 99.9% or greater.

Parental DNA Testing: False Results

Although the DNA testing process is highly advanced and we perform it very carefully, there are possibilities of false results. DNA tests from proper and certified labs and research centers have hardly any chances of false results. But the following situations can alter the results of a paternal DNA test.

  • Fraud

If the DNA paternity test is done for a legal case, either of the parties might want to get hold of the test result and tamper it. Tampering test results is nearly impossible under strict regulations and when a proper and certified lab is performing the test. However, if any party can get hold of the result, they can tamper it for their gain.

  • Lab Error

Deliberate fraud is not the only reason for false positive and negative results. Errors by the lab during the test process can also give inaccurate results. If you suspect that your test result is incorrect, this might be the reason, and you should have another test.

  • Candidates may be Related

Even if the candidates are have a relation, the DNA test will not give a 99% probability in usual cases. However,  in some instances, it is possible. If the candidate has a relation to the kid, then the lab should conduct the test very carefully, and give results double-checking to be on the safe side.

  • DNA Mutations

DNA mutations are alterations in the DNA sequence. They happen spontaneously throughout life and cause no interference in the DNA test result. But if a sperm contains a strand of DNA with mutation, the chances are that paternity test can give false negative result for  the father and child. Radioactive rays. especially from chemotherapy, and other sources can induce mutations in DNA. In such cases, using the DNA from the mother can increase the paternity index and give correct test results.

Final Thoughts

Paternal DNA tests are important when the rights and duties of parents are an issue, and the child’s paternity is in doubt. Getting paternity tests from a proper and certifies lab is necessary to cancel out any chances of error. AABB DNA Testing offers a full range of services to validate family relations. AAB DNA Testing is certified and has court-admissible DNA tests.

Contact us at  718-701-0292 to get the best DNA testing in NYC.