Open on Evenings & Holidays! Extended And Flexible Hours!

* DNA Testing for Immigration
* Paternity Testing
* Prenatal Testing
* Deceased Paternity
* Forensic Testing & Much More!


AB DNA Testing Services
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Phone: 718-701-0292
Fax: 718-458-9700


Monday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
* After Hours: Weekends by appointment only *

Welcome to the Best DNA Testing in NYC!

We offer New York’s BEST AND MOST AFFORDABLE DNA TESTING with a full range of services to verify family relationships.

We are open on evenings & holidays!

Why are we the best?

See the many reasons below:

We specialize in the following types of DNA tests:

• Paternity • Prenatal • Maternity • Grand-parenting • Sibling Relationship • Biological Relationship Studies • Twin Studies • Deceased Paternity • Forensic Testing • Child Identity Testing • Family Tree and Genealogy Testing


* NO HIDDEN COSTS – Collection kits, photography, and fingerprinting all included.



Located In Woodside Queens, easily reachable from all boroughs (Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx and Staten Island), Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk. 4 Blocks from No. 7 Train (Flushing Line) and Long Island Railroad.


Has your petition been denied? Did you miss your deadline?

Call us.  We have found that in many cases, our personalized service can overturn your denial. We will call the passport office or immigration dept. for you and plead your case over phone verbally.

90% of time they will revoke your denial, as long as you get the required information to them quickly.


63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377

Call Today

AB DNA Testing Services ©

DNA Testing Left

63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Fax: 718-458-9700

We are open on evenings & holidays!

DNA Testing Right

AB DNA Testing Services © offers a full range of DNA testing services using the most highly qualified and Certified DNA testing laboratories in the country.

For New York residents, DNA testing has to be performed by a physician or legal entity (court, USCIS, US Embassy or Consulate).

AB DNA TESTING SERVICES © offers a “One-Stop Shopping” service since we have a doctor on the premises who will perform the test. We are open 7 days a week, including weekends.

Prenatal DNA Testing • Immigration DNA Testing • Paternity • Maternity • Grand-parenting • Sibling Relationships • Biological Relationships • Twin Studies • Deceased Paternity • Forensic Testing • Child Identity Testing • Family Tree and Genealogy Testing

Other doctors will charge a fee just for the office visit. We do not charge a fee for our on premises doctor visit. Save money and call for an appointment today!

AB DNA Testing Services ©



All About DNA Testing for Immigration in NYC

All About DNA Testing Process for Immigration to NYCDNA testing for immigration purposes in NYC has become a crucial tool in verifying biological relationships when traditional documentation is insufficient or unavailable. In New York City, many families rely on DNA tests to meet the requirements of immigration authorities and to ensure family reunification. This blog will provide a comprehensive overview of DNA testing for immigration, explaining the process, its importance, and what to expect.

Why DNA Testing for Immigration?

DNA testing is often used in immigration cases to prove biological relationships between petitioners and beneficiaries when other forms of evidence, such as birth certificates or family records, are not available or are deemed insufficient. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and other immigration authorities may request DNA tests to confirm parent-child, sibling, or other familial relationships to prevent fraud and ensure accurate processing of immigration applications.

Types of DNA Tests for Immigration

There are several types of DNA tests commonly used in immigration cases, each designed to confirm different types of biological relationships:

Parentage Testing

Parentage testing, including paternity and maternity tests, is used to confirm the biological relationship between a parent and a child. This is the most commonly requested DNA test for immigration purposes.

Sibling Testing

Sibling testing determines whether individuals share one or both parents. This test is useful when siblings are applying for immigration benefits together and need to prove their biological relationship.

Avuncular Testing

Avuncular testing is used to establish a biological relationship between a child and their alleged aunt or uncle. This test can be helpful in cases where the parents are not available for testing.

Grandparent Testing

Grandparent testing can confirm a biological relationship between a child and their alleged grandparents. This test is often used when parents are unavailable or deceased.

The DNA Testing Process for Immigration

The DNA testing process for immigration purposes involves several steps, ensuring accuracy and compliance with immigration authorities’ requirements:

Step 1: Choosing an Accredited Laboratory

It’s crucial to select a laboratory accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) for immigration DNA testing. Only AABB-accredited labs are recognized by the USCIS and other immigration authorities.

Step 2: Sample Collection

Sample collection is typically done using a cheek swab to collect cells from the inside of the mouth. The process is quick, painless, and non-invasive. Sample collection must be supervised by an authorized professional to maintain chain of custody and ensure the integrity of the samples.

Step 3: Chain of Custody

Maintaining a strict chain of custody is essential for immigration DNA testing. This involves documenting every step of the sample collection, handling, and testing process to ensure that the samples are accurately matched to the individuals being tested.

Step 4: Testing and Analysis

Once the samples are collected, they are sent to the accredited laboratory for analysis. The lab will compare the DNA profiles of the tested individuals to determine the likelihood of a biological relationship.

Step 5: Reporting Results

The laboratory will provide a detailed report of the test results, including the probability of the claimed relationship. These results are then sent directly to the requesting immigration authorities and the individuals involved.

Benefits of DNA Testing for Immigration

DNA testing for immigration offers several benefits:


DNA testing is highly accurate, with a probability of relationship typically exceeding 99.99%. This provides strong evidence to support immigration applications.

Proof of Relationship

DNA tests can conclusively prove biological relationships, which is especially valuable when documentation is lacking or questioned.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your application is supported by irrefutable genetic evidence can provide peace of mind during the often stressful immigration process.

What to Expect During the Process

Understanding what to expect can help alleviate concerns and ensure a smooth testing process:

Professional and Confidential Service

Reputable DNA testing services maintain high standards of professionalism and confidentiality, ensuring your personal information is protected.

Clear Communication

The testing service should provide clear instructions and communication throughout the process, from scheduling sample collection to receiving the test results.

Timely Results

Turnaround times for DNA test results can vary, but most accredited labs provide results within a few weeks. Be sure to confirm the expected timeline with your testing service provider.

DNA Testing for Immigration in NYC: Conclusion

DNA testing for immigration purposes is a reliable and accurate method for proving biological relationships and meeting immigration authorities’ requirements. By understanding the process and selecting an accredited and reputable DNA testing service, families can navigate the immigration process with greater confidence and peace of mind.

For professional DNA testing services and expert guidance, contact AB DNA Testing Services.

AB DNA Testing Services ©
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377

All About Prenatal DNA Testing

Prenatal DNA testing has become an invaluable tool for expectant parents, providing crucial information about the health and development of their unborn child. Whether you’re looking for peace of mind, medical insights, or important genetic information, prenatal DNA testing can offer a range of benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore everything you need to know about prenatal DNA testing, including the types of tests available, their benefits, and what you can expect from the process.

All About Prenatal DNA Testing

What is Prenatal DNA Testing?

Prenatal DNA testing involves analyzing the DNA of a fetus to detect genetic conditions and other health-related information before birth. These tests can provide insights into the genetic makeup of the unborn child, helping parents make informed decisions and prepare for any potential health issues.

Types of Prenatal DNA Tests

There are several types of prenatal DNA tests available, each serving different purposes and offering varying levels of detail:

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)

NIPT is a highly accurate, non-invasive test that screens for common chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), trisomy 18, and trisomy 13. This test analyzes small fragments of fetal DNA circulating in the mother’s blood and can be performed as early as the 10th week of pregnancy. NIPT poses no risk to the fetus and provides a high degree of accuracy.


Amniocentesis is an invasive test typically performed between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. It involves extracting a small amount of amniotic fluid, which contains fetal cells, from the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus. This fluid is then analyzed for genetic conditions and chromosomal abnormalities. While amniocentesis is highly accurate, it carries a small risk of miscarriage.

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

CVS is another invasive test, usually conducted between the 10th and 13th weeks of pregnancy. It involves taking a sample of cells from the placenta, which can then be tested for genetic abnormalities. Like amniocentesis, CVS carries a small risk of miscarriage but provides early and reliable results.

Benefits of Prenatal DNA Testing

Prenatal DNA testing offers numerous benefits for expectant parents:

Early Detection of Genetic Disorders

These tests can detect a range of genetic disorders and chromosomal abnormalities early in the pregnancy, allowing parents to prepare for potential health issues and make informed decisions about their pregnancy.

Peace of Mind

For many parents, prenatal DNA testing provides peace of mind by confirming the health and development of their unborn child. Knowing that their baby is developing normally can alleviate anxiety and stress during pregnancy.

Informed Medical Decisions

Prenatal DNA testing can help parents and healthcare providers make informed medical decisions, such as planning for any necessary medical interventions or special care the baby might need after birth.

What to Expect During the Testing Process

Understanding what to expect during the prenatal DNA testing process can help alleviate any concerns and ensure you are well-prepared:

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)

Timing: NIPT can be performed as early as the 10th week of pregnancy.
Procedure: A simple blood draw from the mother is required. The sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.
Results: Results are typically available within one to two weeks.


Timing: Usually performed between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy.
Procedure: A needle is inserted into the amniotic sac to extract a small sample of amniotic fluid. The procedure is guided by ultrasound to ensure safety.
Results: Results are usually available within two to three weeks.

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)

Timing: Typically conducted between the 10th and 13th weeks of pregnancy.
Procedure: A sample of placental tissue is taken either through the cervix (transcervical) or the abdominal wall (transabdominal), guided by ultrasound.
Results: Results are generally available within one to two weeks.

Prenatal DNA Testing: Conclusion

Prenatal DNA testing is a valuable resource for expectant parents, offering detailed insights into the genetic health and development of their unborn child. By understanding the types of tests available, their benefits, and what to expect during the process, parents can make informed decisions and prepare for their baby’s arrival. For comprehensive and reliable prenatal DNA testing services, contact AB DNA Testing Services.

AB DNA Testing Services ©

Understanding Your DNA Test Results

You’ve gotten the test, now how can you go about understanding your DNA test results? DNA testing has become an increasingly popular tool for gaining insights into ancestry, health, and identity. Whether you’ve taken a DNA test for personal curiosity, medical reasons, or legal purposes, understanding the results can sometimes be challenging. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the key aspects of DNA test results to help you make sense of the information you receive.

Understanding Your DNA Test Results

Understanding Your DNA Test Results

The Basics of DNA Testing

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. DNA testing analyzes specific regions of your DNA to provide information about your genetic makeup. The most common types of DNA tests include:

Ancestry DNA Tests

These tests explore your genetic roots by comparing your DNA to a database of genetic information from various populations worldwide. They can provide insights into your ethnic background and ancestral origins.

Health DNA Tests

Health-related DNA tests examine your genetic predisposition to certain health conditions and traits. They can provide information about potential risks for diseases, carrier status for genetic conditions, and personalized health recommendations.

Relationship DNA Tests

Relationship tests, such as paternity, maternity, and sibling tests, are used to establish biological relationships between individuals. These tests are often used for legal, personal, or immigration purposes.

Interpreting Your DNA Test Results

Once you receive your DNA test results, it’s important to understand the different sections and what they mean. Here are some key components you might find in your report:

Ancestry Composition

An ancestry composition report breaks down your genetic heritage by percentage, showing which regions or populations your DNA matches. This section often includes a map highlighting your ancestral origins and a timeline of your genetic history.

Health Risk Reports

Health DNA tests provide reports on your genetic risk for various conditions. These reports usually categorize risks as higher, average, or lower based on your genetic markers. It’s important to remember that these reports are not diagnostic but indicate potential risks that can be influenced by lifestyle and environmental factors.

Carrier Status

Carrier status reports indicate whether you carry genetic variants associated with certain inherited conditions. Being a carrier means you may not show symptoms but could pass the variant to your children.


Trait reports offer insights into genetic traits such as eye color, hair type, and taste preferences. While these traits are influenced by multiple factors, DNA testing can provide an interesting look at how genetics contribute to your physical characteristics and behaviors.

Understanding Genetic Terminology

DNA test results often include specific genetic terminology that can be confusing. Here are some common terms you might encounter:


An allele is a variant form of a gene. Each individual inherits two alleles for each gene, one from each parent. Alleles can be dominant or recessive, influencing traits and conditions.


Your genotype refers to the specific genetic makeup at a particular location in your DNA. It’s represented by the combination of alleles you inherit from your parents.


Phenotype is the observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an individual, determined by both genetic makeup and environmental factors.


A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence. Some mutations can lead to genetic disorders, while others may have no effect or be beneficial.

Next Steps After Receiving Your Results

Receiving your DNA test results is just the beginning. Here are some steps you can take to make the most of your genetic information:

Consult a Genetic Counselor

If your results indicate a higher risk for certain health conditions or if you have questions about your genetic information, consider consulting a genetic counselor. They can provide personalized insights and guidance based on your results.

Follow Up with Healthcare Providers

Share your health-related DNA test results with your healthcare provider. They can help you understand the implications for your health and develop a plan for monitoring or mitigating risks.

Explore Your Ancestry

Use your ancestry DNA results to connect with distant relatives, build your family tree, and learn more about your heritage. Many DNA testing companies offer online platforms for exploring genetic matches and ancestry records.

Stay Informed

Genetic research is continually evolving. Stay informed about new discoveries and updates related to DNA testing by following reputable sources and considering additional tests as needed.

Understanding Your DNA Test Results: Conclusion

Understanding your DNA test results can provide valuable insights into your ancestry, health, and relationships. By familiarizing yourself with the key components of your report and the genetic terminology used, you can make informed decisions about your health and heritage.

The Future of DNA Testing: Navigating the Genetic Horizon

What advancements does the future of DNA testing hold? The realm of DNA testing has evolved dramatically since the discovery of the DNA double helix in 1953. As we peer into the future, we can expect this field to continue its rapid evolution, transforming not just medicine and health care, but society at large. This blog post will explore the potential advancements and applications of DNA testing that may soon become integral parts of our lives.

Future of DNA Testing

Advancements in Genetic Testing Technologies

Precision Medicine

DNA testing is expected to become even more integral to the practice of precision medicine. This approach tailors medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient’s genetic profile. With advancements in DNA sequencing technologies, predicting and preventing diseases by analyzing genetic markers could become routine practice for medical professionals.

CRISPR and Gene Editing

Techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9, which allow for precise, directed changes to an organism’s DNA, are on the cusp of creating a revolution in genetic medicine. Future DNA testing may routinely involve not just reading genetic codes but also editing them to prevent hereditary diseases before they can take hold.

Expanded Newborn Screening

Comprehensive Health Profiles

In the future, DNA testing could be expanded in newborn screening programs to include a broader array of genetic conditions. This will enable early intervention and treatment, potentially reducing the impact of or even preventing the onset of genetic diseases.

Early Life Disease Prediction

Advances in DNA testing could enable a comprehensive analysis of an infant’s propensity for diseases later in life, allowing parents and doctors to plan for and manage future health risks from day one.

Direct-to-Consumer DNA Testing

Empowering Personal Health

As direct-to-consumer (DTC) DNA testing kits become more advanced and accessible, they will empower individuals to take charge of their health by providing more detailed and accurate genetic information. Consumers will be able to receive data on their genetic predisposition to a wide range of conditions and traits.

Privacy and Ethical Concerns

The rise of DTC DNA testing will also raise important questions about data privacy and ethics. It will become imperative for companies and regulators to address these concerns and for consumers to be aware of how their genetic information is used and shared.

DNA Testing for Aging and Longevity

The Quest for Extended Healthspan

One of the most intriguing prospects of DNA testing is its potential to crack the code of aging. Research focused on the genetic markers associated with longevity could lead to DNA tests that provide insights into how to extend the human healthspan.

Genetic Therapies for Aging

In addition to providing insights, future DNA testing could also be coupled with genetic therapies designed to slow down or reverse aspects of the aging process, opening up the potential for a healthier, longer life.

Implications for Society and Policy

Societal Impact

The advancements in DNA testing will inevitably lead to broader societal implications. These include changes in insurance policies, healthcare accessibility, and even the legal system, as genetic information becomes more readily available.

Legislative Evolution

As DNA testing becomes more prevalent, laws and regulations will need to evolve to protect individuals’ genetic privacy and prevent genetic discrimination in employment, insurance, and beyond.

Embrace the Future with AB DNA Testing Services

At AB DNA Testing Services, we are at the forefront of these emerging trends, offering the latest in DNA testing services to provide you with the most accurate and insightful genetic information.

Contact Us Today

Are you ready to embrace the future of DNA testing? Reach out to us and explore what your genes can reveal:

AB DNA Testing Services ©


We are your partners in uncovering the secrets held within your DNA, guiding you toward a future where your genetic information enables a healthier, more informed life.

All About DNA & Your Genes: The Blueprint of You

Want to learn more about DNA & your genes? DNA, the molecule that carries the genetic instructions for life, is at the core of every cell in our bodies. Understanding DNA and genes is essential for grasping how we inherit physical and behavioral traits from our ancestors. This guide will demystify these complex biological concepts and explain their relevance in our everyday lives.

All About DNA & Your Genes

What is DNA?

The Essence of Our Being

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a long, twisting molecule that contains the unique genetic code that makes you who you are. This code determines everything from the color of your eyes to your susceptibility to certain diseases. Structurally, DNA is composed of two strands that coil around each other to form a double helix, held together by four types of molecules called nucleotides (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine).

The Role of DNA

DNA is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Every cell’s nucleus has DNA, which is copied and passed on during cell division. The instructions within DNA are essential for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of organisms.

Understanding Genes

The Building Blocks of Heredity

A gene is a segment of DNA that is responsible for the physical and inheritable characteristics or phenotype of an organism. Each gene carries the instructions for making specific proteins, which in turn play key roles in bodily functions. The human genome consists of about 20,000-25,000 genes.

Genes and Variation

Although all human beings share the majority of their DNA, it’s the small variations in our genes that contribute to each person’s unique physical features and health predispositions. These variations can be as simple as a single genetic mutation or as complex as the combination of multiple gene sequences.

How DNA Testing Works

The Process of Decoding Your Genetic Information

DNA testing involves analyzing a small sample of bodily fluid or tissue, typically blood or saliva. The test can provide various information, such as paternity, ancestral heritage, genetic disorders, and risk factors for certain diseases.

The Power of Genetic Testing

By understanding your genetic makeup, you can gain insights into your ancestry, health predispositions, and even find biological relatives. DNA testing can also be used for legal purposes, like establishing paternity or aiding in forensic investigations.

The Importance of DNA Research and Genetic Testing

Advancements in Medicine and Genealogy

Research in DNA and genetics has paved the way for remarkable advancements in medicine, such as the development of targeted therapies for diseases like cancer. For genealogists and family history enthusiasts, DNA testing is a tool that can help map family trees and trace lineage.

Personal Empowerment Through Genetic Knowledge

Genetic testing provides a level of personal empowerment by offering a glimpse into your potential future health and helping you make informed lifestyle and medical decisions.

DNA & Your Genes: Partner with a DNA Testing Services Lab

At AB DNA Testing Services in Queens NY, we offer an array of DNA testing options to suit your personal needs, from ancestry to health risk assessments. Our expert team ensures confidentiality and accuracy in every test.

Decoding Your DNA: Top Reasons to Consider Genetic Testing

Reasons to Consider DNA Genetic TestingWhat are the compelling reasons why you might consider genetic testing and how it can benefit you? Genetic testing represents a frontier in modern medicine and personal health, offering an unprecedented glimpse into the very building blocks of who we are: our DNA. The decision to delve into your genetic code can be driven by various factors, each shedding light on different facets of your genetics.

Reasons to Consider Genetic Testing

Understanding Your Genetic Health Risks

Preventive Healthcare

One of the most impactful reasons to pursue genetic testing is the opportunity for preventive healthcare. Tests can reveal your predisposition to certain health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and various forms of cancer. This knowledge is not a sentence but a proactive tool, empowering you with the foresight to take preventative steps and inform your healthcare provider about personalized screening schedules.


Ever wonder why certain medications work better for you than others? Pharmacogenomic tests analyze how your genes affect your response to medications, which can help your doctor tailor drug prescriptions specifically for you, maximizing efficacy while minimizing side effects.

Tracing Ancestral Roots

Ancestry and Heritage

Beyond health, genetic testing is a window into your ancestral past. It can uncover the ethnic tapestry that makes up your DNA, linking you to distant relatives and regions across the globe. For many, it’s a path to understanding their identity and the historical narratives that have woven their family’s story.

Family Planning

Carrier Screening

For couples considering starting a family, carrier screening is invaluable. These tests can determine whether you or your partner carry genes for inherited disorders, such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia, which could be passed on to your children.

Personal Discovery and Kinship

Connecting with Biological Relatives

Genetic testing can bridge gaps in family trees, helping adoptees find their biological parents or siblings and reconnecting estranged families. This aspect of genetic testing often unfolds into heartfelt stories of reunification and new familial bonds.

Personal Traits and Quirks

On a lighter note, these tests can also explain certain benign traits – why you have a penchant for bitterness, the source of your red hair, or why the sun makes you sneeze. These quirky insights can be delightful revelations about your unique genetic makeup.

Legal and Forensic Applications

Paternity and Legal Matters

In legal contexts, DNA testing can provide evidence in paternity cases, ensuring the correct individuals are held responsible for child support or have the rights to custody. In forensic science, DNA profiling aids in solving crimes and closing cold cases.

Considerations Before Testing

Privacy and Consent

When you decide to undergo genetic testing, consider privacy policies and consent. Ensure you are comfortable with how your data will be stored, used, and shared.

Emotional Preparedness

The results of genetic testing can be emotional, revealing unexpected truths about health and family. It’s important to prepare for the outcomes and have support systems in place.

AB DNA Testing Services: Your Partner in Genetic Discovery

If these reasons have piqued your interest in genetic testing, AB DNA Testing Services in Queens is your trusted local provider. We offer comprehensive DNA testing services that respect your privacy and provide accurate, actionable insights.

Get in Touch

Start your journey of genetic discovery with us and gain invaluable insights into your health, ancestry, and more:
AB DNA Testing Services
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Phone: 718-701-0292
Explore the depths of your DNA and let the secrets encoded in your genes guide you toward a healthier, more informed future. Contact us today to schedule your genetic testing.

Guide to DNA Testing: Unlocking the Secrets in Your Genes

Guide to DNA Testing Queens NY 2024-2025This guide explores what you can learn from your genes through DNA testing and how it can impact various aspects of your life. DNA testing is not just a trend; it’s a scientific revolution that’s unlocking the intricate stories written in our genes. With just a small sample of your DNA, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, tracing your ancestry, understanding your genetic health risks, and connecting with relatives.

The ABCs of DNA Testing

Your DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA. The information in your DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people. The order, or sequence, of these bases determines the information available for building and maintaining an organism, similar to the way letters of the alphabet appear in a certain order to form words and sentences.

DNA tests analyze this genetic sequence to reveal information about your lineage and your body’s blueprint.

What Can DNA Testing Tell You?

Ancestry and Ethnicity

Perhaps the most popular reason for DNA testing is to uncover your ancestry. Are you part Native American, Southern European, or Sub-Saharan African? DNA tests can give you a percentage breakdown of your ethnic background, connecting you with regions and cultures you may have never known were part of your heritage.

Health and Wellness Insights

Genetic testing can reveal predispositions to certain health conditions. Are you at higher risk for breast cancer, Alzheimer’s, or high cholesterol? Knowing your genetic risk can help you take preventive measures or seek early treatment.

Family Connections

DNA testing can also help find living relatives, identify biological parents for adopted individuals, and build family trees. It’s a powerful tool for connecting with distant family members or verifying family lore.

Personal Traits

Ever wondered why you have freckles, hate cilantro, or can’t tolerate lactose? Some DNA tests can shed light on these heritable traits, providing fun and sometimes useful insights into the quirks that make you, you.

The Process of DNA Testing

The process typically involves collecting a DNA sample at home — usually through saliva or a cheek swab — and sending it to a lab for analysis. Weeks later, you receive a report detailing your genetic makeup.

Privacy and Ethical Considerations

As you consider DNA testing, it’s essential to understand the privacy and ethical implications. Many people have concerns about how their genetic information will be used and who will have access to it. It’s important to research and choose a reputable DNA testing company that clearly states its privacy policy and uses secure methods to protect your data.

Choosing the Right Test

With numerous DNA testing services available, it’s crucial to choose one that fits your goals. Are you interested in detailed health reports, or is your focus on building a family tree? Each company offers different services and tests.

Guide to DNA Testing Conclusion: Your DNA, Your Journey

DNA testing can be a profound experience, providing insights into your health, history, and the genetic ties that bind us all. It’s a powerful example of how science can offer a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connections to the world around us.

If you’re ready to start your genetic journey and uncover what your DNA has to say, AB DNA Testing Services © in Queens is here to guide you through every step of the process.

Contact Us

AB DNA Testing Services offers a variety of DNA testing services that provide valuable insights into your ancestry, health, and more. Reach out to us to explore what your genes can reveal about you.

AB DNA Testing Services ©
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Phone: 718-701-0292

DNA Testing Services in Queens: What Types of DNA Tests are Available?

What types of DNA tests are generally offered at a DNA testing lab? In Queens and greater New York City, DNA testing services are sought after for various reasons, from establishing paternity to exploring ancestral origins. Each type of DNA test offered is designed to cater to specific needs, providing crucial information for personal, medical, or legal decisions. Let’s explore the gamut of DNA testing options available, including an essential guide on prenatal DNA testing.

Types of DNA Tests

Understanding the Spectrum of DNA Tests

The advancement in genetic testing has expanded the scope of DNA services. Here’s a brief overview of the types of tests provided by DNA testing services in Queens:

Paternity and Maternity DNA Testing

Confirming a biological parent-child relationship is the most common reason for DNA testing. Paternity tests are definitive tools used in legal situations like child support and custody, as well as for personal clarification. Maternity tests, although less common, serve a similar purpose.

Ancestry and Ethnicity DNA Testing

These tests offer a fascinating insight into one’s ethnic background and ancestral lineage, helping to construct a family’s migratory history. It’s a journey into the past that might reveal unexpected ethnic ties.

Relationship DNA Testing

To establish other familial connections, such as siblings, grandparents, or aunts and uncles, relationship DNA testing is available. These are particularly useful for verifying family ties in inheritance claims or in reuniting with estranged family members.

Health and Wellness DNA Testing

Health-related genetic testing can uncover predispositions to certain diseases, allowing individuals to make proactive health and lifestyle changes. These tests are becoming increasingly popular as tools for preventative healthcare.

Immigration DNA Testing

Immigration DNA testing is a crucial part of the immigration process when it’s necessary to prove a biological relationship. These tests must be conducted with strict adherence to legal standards to ensure the results are recognized by immigration authorities.

Infidelity DNA Testing

DNA testing can also be used in personal situations to provide evidence in cases of suspected infidelity, offering conclusive answers that might impact personal relationships and legal proceedings.

Genetic Predisposition DNA Testing for Hereditary Diseases

For individuals concerned about hereditary health issues, genetic predisposition testing can reveal the likelihood of developing certain genetic diseases, facilitating informed decision-making regarding health and lifestyle.

Prenatal DNA Testing

Among the DNA testing services, prenatal DNA testing is a particularly sensitive and essential service. This form of testing allows expectant parents to learn about the genetics of their unborn child early in the pregnancy.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Testing

One of the prenatal tests offered is non-invasive prenatal paternity testing, which can determine the father’s identity before the child is born. This test is performed by taking a blood sample from the mother and potential father, which is then analyzed for fetal DNA circulating in the mother’s bloodstream.

Prenatal Screening for Genetic Disorders

Prenatal DNA testing also includes screening for potential genetic disorders such as Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, or Tay-Sachs disease. This information can be pivotal for parents in preparing for any necessary medical interventions or support services.

Gender Determination

Additionally, prenatal DNA testing can determine the sex of the baby early in the pregnancy, which can be important for parents concerned about sex-linked genetic diseases.

Types of DNA Tests: Choosing AB DNA Testing Services © in Queens

If you’re considering DNA testing in Queens, it’s important to select a trusted facility like AB DNA Testing Services ©. We provide a wide range of DNA testing services, including prenatal DNA testing, ensuring confidentiality, accuracy, and the highest standards of customer care.

Reach out to us for comprehensive DNA testing services:

AB DNA Testing Services ©
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377

From Your Country to US Citizenship: The DNA Testing for Immigration Process

What is the DNA testing for immigration process? Embarking on the path to U.S. citizenship is a profound milestone for many immigrants. In New York City, a melting pot of cultures, DNA testing has emerged as a pivotal component in substantiating familial ties that are fundamental to the immigration process. For those navigating this journey, understanding the specific steps and how DNA testing fits into the larger picture is crucial.

DNA Testing for Immigration Process

Step 1: Understanding the Immigration Requirements

Before DNA testing even comes into play, it’s essential to understand the requirements for immigration to the U.S. These can vary depending on your situation — whether you’re joining family, seeking employment, or looking for asylum, each path has its own set of criteria and paperwork.

Step 2: The Role of DNA Testing in Your Immigration Application

When it comes to family-based immigration, proving the biological relationship between a petitioner (a legal U.S. resident or citizen) and a beneficiary (the individual seeking to immigrate) is paramount. This is where DNA testing becomes indispensable, especially when birth certificates and other documentation are unavailable or insufficient.

Step 3: Initiating the DNA Testing Process

If the USCIS or a U.S. embassy has requested a DNA test, the process will typically unfold as follows:

Contact a DNA Testing Facility: Begin by reaching out to an experienced DNA testing facility like AB DNA Testing Services © in Queens, NY, which ensures that the testing and results will be accepted by the USCIS and other government entities.

Scheduling the DNA Sample Collection: Once you’ve engaged with a testing service, they will arrange a sample collection appointment. It’s crucial that this collection be performed by an impartial third party to maintain the chain of custody.

Sample Collection and Analysis: During your appointment at AB DNA Testing Services ©, a buccal (cheek) swab will be used to collect DNA samples in a non-invasive manner. These samples are then securely sent to the lab for analysis.

Step 4: Legal and Secure Handling of DNA Testing Results

After the laboratory has analyzed the DNA samples, the results are sent directly to the immigration authorities to ensure the integrity of the process. At no point are the results handled by the applicants, which helps maintain the legal chain of custody.

Step 5: Completing Your Immigration Application

With the DNA test results in hand, the immigration authorities will complete the assessment of your relationship to the petitioner. If the DNA test confirms the claimed biological relationship, it becomes a significant piece of evidence to support your application for a visa, green card, or citizenship.

Step 6: The Decision and Your Journey to Citizenship

The final decision on your immigration application will be made by the USCIS or the relevant U.S. embassy or consulate. If approved, you can proceed with the remaining steps toward obtaining your visa or green card, and eventually, U.S. citizenship.

DNA Testing for Immigration Process: Choose AB DNA Testing Services

AB DNA Testing Services © in Queens, NY, stands ready to assist with every aspect of the DNA testing process for immigration. Our expertise and commitment to providing confidential, fast, and accurate results make us an integral partner in your path to citizenship.

Begin your journey with a trusted partner:

AB DNA Testing Services ©
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Phone: 718-701-0292

DNA Testing for Immigration in Queens: The Key to Your New Life in the USA

Queens, New York, often serves as the first American home for new immigrants; a mosaic of cultures and stories where the American dream begins for many. In this bustling borough, DNA testing has become a pivotal step in confirming familial relationships for immigration purposes, turning the hope of a new life into reality.

DNA Testing for Immigration in Queens 2024

DNA Testing for Immigration in Queens

Decoding the Immigration DNA Testing Process

DNA testing for immigration is a scientific method used to prove biological relationships in the absence of conclusive documentary evidence. It’s a process embraced by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and embassies worldwide to facilitate the verification of claimed family ties, which can be a decisive factor in immigration cases.

Why DNA Testing is Essential for Immigration

Immigration authorities require certainty; they rely on irrefutable evidence to grant family visas or citizenship. DNA testing serves this exact purpose by providing the most accurate proof of a genetic link between family members, thereby becoming a key to unlocking the gates to your new life in the U.S.

The Trusted Solution at AB DNA Testing Services©

At AB DNA Testing Services© in Queens, we specialize in providing DNA testing that meets all legal standards required by immigration authorities. With our accredited labs, experienced staff, and thorough understanding of immigration protocols, we offer a service that is not only reliable but also empathetic to the nuances of each individual’s story.

Fast, Accredited, and Confidential Results

Best DNA Testing in Queens New York 2024Understanding the urgency of immigration-related DNA testing and delivering results quickly without compromising accuracy or confidentiality is very important. Ensure that the company you choose for the DNA testing process is streamlined to ensure that you can proceed with your immigration application as swiftly as possible.

Navigating Immigration with Compassionate Support

Immigrating to a new country can be a complex and emotional journey. Recognizing this, our team offers compassionate support throughout the DNA testing process. We ensure that you feel informed, comfortable, and confident in the steps you are taking toward establishing your new life in the U.S.

AB DNA Testing Services©: Your Partner in the Immigration Pathway

Choosing the right partner for your DNA testing can make a significant difference in the immigration process. At AB DNA Testing Services, we pride ourselves on being that partner, offering guidance and support tailored to the unique needs of immigrant families in Queens.

DNA Testing for Immigration in Queens: Begin Your Journey with Confidence

If you’re about to start a new life in the United States and need DNA testing for immigration, let AB DNA Testing Services© be your first call. Connect with us to navigate this crucial step with ease:

AB DNA Testing Services
63-11 Queens Boulevard
Woodside NY 11377
Phone: 718-701-0292